Weight loss Journey: Week 6 into Week 7 

I cannot wait for Spring! All this winter weather is really hurting my exercise schedule! A large snow storm came through my area last week, knocking out the power at work & I missed my Wednesday workout! It was not a very pleasant day for me. I did get my workout in on Monday & Friday! I also enjoyed the nice weather this weekend. 
Last week I got out of my Week 5 Slump. I am still discouraged that I haven’t seen any progress yet, I keep having to remind myself that this is going to take time. It didn’t help that I got some bad test results this week… 
My employer has changed insurance companies, & you can earn points towards your deductible by doing a list of various things. One of them is to complete this health questionnaire & get some blood work done. I did this & went online to check my results. I know that I’m am overweight & according to my BMI I am “extremely obese”. I hate to think about it, but I know it’s true. I know that my family history of diabetes & heart disease will eventually catch up to me, but I always thought I had more time. My blood work came back showing high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol, and a Metabolic Syndrome Risk score of 46. 
What is Metabolic syndrome? From what I read it basically mean that I am at a high risk for heart disease and diabetes. This scared me. I’m 21 years old, I shouldn’t have to worry about things like that. This makes my weigh loss journey that much more important. I now feel like I’m fighting for more than just a smaller dress size, I’m fighting for my life! 
Below you will see my progress pictures! I don’t see any progress but I can feel it. My body feels lighter and I feel like I’m carrying myself differently. That is definitely a confidence booster.